Residents debate need for fluoride
by Darren Dunlap
of The Daily Times Staff
The debate over fluoridation continued Wednesday at South Blount Utility District's monthly board of commissioners meeting.
The district's decision not to fluoridate water at its new plant, completed this year, has drawn staunch support and opposition from customers. Both sides made an appearance at the meeting Wednesday.
Commissioners decided to continue collecting information on fluoridation, look for a way to educate customers about the issue, and get an accurate poll or survey of what customers want. They did not reverse their decision on fluoridation.
Customer comment
Celeste Meunier voiced concerns about the effect lack of fluoridation could have on the dental health of South Blount's customers, particularly families that can't afford regular dental care. It wouldn't cost much to add it to the water, she said.
``It's cheap,'' Meunier said.
Some families have sought fluoride supplements. Walgreen pharmacist Heather Webb said demand for the supplements has increased a lot since September.
Larry Campbell didn't think fluoride should be added to the water. He's concerned about the effects fluoride could have on the health of South Blount customers. Like others at the meeting, he referenced studies and information on the Web to support his position.
Mike Biddle, a customer who couldn't make the meeting, spent his Thanksgiving holiday building a Web site to inform people of the hazards of fluoride use.
People can also register on the site in support of leaving fluoridation out of South Blount's water supply.
Biddle is worried about the long-term effects of fluoride.
``It builds up in your body,'' he said.
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